Ministries @ Sunny Side

No matter the name, the purpose is the same. We seek to build relationships, reach others for
Christ, and grow in faith and service to God. Here at FBC Sunny Side we are calling it re-groups.
Most of our groups meet on Sunday morning at 9:45 to 10:30.
We have groups for all ages. Check out the about page for a list of groups and their respective leaders.
In addition to the Sunday morning gatherings we have a women’s group that meets Thursday evenings and Men’s groups that meets on Tuesday morning and evening.
On occasion we have short term groups that meet on Sunday evenings dealing with a variety of topics.
Please contact the church office for information on how to participate in one of these groups.
The Sunny Side Food Pantry
It’s Mission is to serve the people in our community in a way that shows the Love of Jesus for each person. To provide a safe and confidential environment. To minister to individuals and families with basic hunger-related needs.
Sunny Side Ministry Center distributes food to individuals and families in need.
The food pantry has a Coordinator and relies on volunteer staff to help with many different tasks including sorting donated food, stocking shelves and assisting people to “shop” for their groceries at the Food Pantry. The food pantry is open every Monday 3PM -5PM, except holidays.